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Showing posts from October, 2014

My deal

Okay! Let's start my project. First of all, I want to introduce myself. My nick name is Beatriz Jones. I am not american so I don't write in english very well. However, I live here in U.S. so I ask you to forgive me when I write a bad english. I want to return to my 136lb and I will show you how I will get this weight. People ask for diet or exercise routines but they give up before they see the result. I will show that everyone can be skinny when they treat the real problem that keep someone fat. Maybe you ask me what I will supose to do and the answer is very simple. I will show that every moment is important to keep you on diet or far from it. If you want to keep on your diet, read this blog everyday.

When can I start my diet?

" I will start my diet on Monday." I heard this sentence many times in my life and I also said this sentence many times. The reason that I started this blog is that I don't  want to say it again. First, I want to explain the reason that I am in a diet. I am 22 years old and my weight is 216lb but I was skinny during all my life. I started to gaining weight three years ago after that my weight was 136lb. Everyday that I look in the mirror, I see another person. I see someone that I can't recognize. I did many diets but when I was looking for a blog to inspire me to start anoher diet, I realize that the problem was not my body  but my mind. People gain weeight for many reason but all these reasons are inside their minds and I am here to tell exactly what is inside a fat girl's mind. Everything that I will tell here will be helpful for me and you to never say the sentence " I will start my diet on Monday" again.

What my soul wants?

What will keep me in my diet? This was my first thought before start to write this blog. I am a fat girl that tried everything to be skinny but today I start to think that a reedutacion or a restrict diet are not the most important solution. I belive that te most important solution is the commitment with myself. I start this blog to tell you how I will get be skinny through changing my mind. My mind is my strongest enemy and I need to convince it that my desire of being skinny are more important that my compulsion. I hope that with my story inspires you to get focus in your goals. I will write here everyday and tell you what a fat girl in a strange  place think in each situation of her day. I hope you like to read my experiences.