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Showing posts from November, 2015

Fight Against Plateu Effect : Rule #1: Take a Break

I started my diet four weeks ago. In the first three weeks, I was very exciting and motivated. I was also losing weight very well. The first three weeks, I already lost 16 pounds. However, I started to stop losing weight and the scale didn't change the numbers. I was very frustrated and I started to research about this effect by myself and I found many tips and explanation about this subject. The Plateau Effect is a effect the happens when we start a restrict diet. When you start to lose weight quickly, your body start to saving energy to keep your body working and this energy is the fat that you need to lose and this effect can last for weeks and then you need to be strong. The first thing you need to know is THE PLATEU EFFECT WON'T SATY FOREVER SO YOU NEED TO BE STRONG. I started diets many many times but when this effect came , I started to lose motivation and it makes me give up. Although, This diet is really special for me because I want to lose weight to meet my boyfri

Changing everything

Hello girls!!! I stopped to writing in this blog because I had so many problems but now I'm back. I'm doing my personal diet that I will share in the next posts but now I want to put here everything that I'm doing to win the plateau effect. I have been doing diet and exercise for 3 weeks and I already lost 16 pounds but now I'm not changing my weight. I'm doing everything but nothing is changing and I heard from many people that the  plateau effect is a effect that stay in your body for one week to two moths, it depends of you body. However, I want to use all the tricks to win this effect and I will write here what works and what don't. If you are doing diet and you are not losting  anything, keep looking this blog and supporting me and I will support you too.