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I needed a restart

Today I started my diet and exercises. I know what you are thinking “who starts a diet on Monday?” but why not to start a diet whenever you want?

Starting a diet is not easy because in our mind we have the desire to become skinny and the bad habits that make us fat. The beginning is the most difficult part of a diet because the only picture that we have in our head is a fat girl. So, what makes people so strong to keep in a diet? Starting this diet make me think about it. I started to think what will make me keep going in a diet and never give up. Many people say that the best reasons is to be pretty, having clothes, find a boyfriend, getting healthy or revenge but I realize that the best reason is to recognize me. I got fat quickly so when I look in the mirror I don’t recognize me. It’s like living in someone else’s body like a prison and when I eat a lot without control, I make this prison stronger. So, in this first day, I decide to make this prison weaker and make me free. Looking me in the mirror is what makes me keep going. Let’s talk about your reasons too. Tell me about your good reason to keep you in a diet.


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