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Showing posts from April, 2015

Diets: They work or not?

I want to share my knowledge about diets with you. I know that many of you did or know many types of diet but I want to explain each diet and show the best way to do each one. If you are interesting in one specific diet,  coment below and I will show everything about this diet and many tips that will make that diet really work in your body!! Coment below: Which diet do you want to know about?

The seven days

If you did any diet, you know that the first week is the hardest one but how to pass through these seven days? When I start a diet, I realize that these seven diets are the most important to decided if you will keep going with that diet or not. For everybody that want to do a diet here is the best advice ever. You need to remember your brain which second. I was so afraid to broke my diet in the first seven days that I decided to make me stay in focus of my goals and here is that the list of everything that I did and they are very important to keep me in the diet: Right a list and read everyday before each meal Make a record and listen it every time that I think about giving up Buy a ward for each day that I keep in my diet It doesn't matter how hard is the diet but  if you pass the first seven days, you will see that it become easier and easier.  Share your stories!!! Comment below!!!!

Getting Fat: The temptation

Can you imagine seeing a chocolate pie without feel the desire to eat a big piece of it? The temptations is the biggest problem in a diet. Choosing eat legumes instead of eating a big cheeseburger is a challenge for any person that wants to start a diet.However, everybody needs to pass through it. There is no way to start a diet without suffer some temptation but there is a way to stay strong to resist these temptations. Follow these steps: Write everything that you consider temptations; Write all the situations that you consider that will be easy to broke a diet ( for example: parties, at night or when you are stressed); Write all the reasons that you think more important than broke a diet in that moment; When you are in face with some temptation is very hard to think all the important reasons to keep a diet but that list can be a very go help. When you go to that party with your friend and see all the food, Take a moment and read all the reasons that you wrote. All the

Getting fat : The beginning

Why I gain weight through the years? Many people want to lose weight but they don't look their own story and how they gain weight. When I start to lose weight, I decided to write all my habits during my meals and it was very important to make me realize how my mind changed during the years. When I was a kid, I was skinny and for me the food were not so important. I remember that the most important for me was spending my days playing with my friends. However, my mind started to change and I started to get fat. But everything changed when I get 16 years old and decided to find a job. During that time, I didn't have time to eat so I needed to eat fast. Because of that, I started to feel more hungry than before and my meals also changed. The fast food started to be something normal in my life and I started to gain weight too. During my diet now, I decided to look back and see all the bad behaviors that I gain through the years. Here is my list: Eat fast Eating fast food i

My first promise

Hello friends!!! Well, I know that I started this blog and stopped for a long time. However, my goal is to lose weight and help other people too so my first promise is not to stop write and help you to find the feeling that will make you achieve your goals. Everyday I will tell you my stories and my friend's stories that will inspire you and show you that loosing weight is not so hard.

Falling in love

Everybody wants to have a good body for the summer session and to fit in that beautiful dress but to start a diet seems to be a painful task. However, I think that the most important think that need to be changed is our mind because this is the key for losing weight. Why to start a diet if I know that I will not resist that piece of pie? or How I can keep a diet whitout break the rules? It doesn't matter how many times we start a diet if our mind don't stop to think just in food. When I started this blog, I really wanted to change something inside me. I wanted that this blog work a motivational hobby that would help me loosing weight and I was right about using something as a motivation. The blog didn't work but I had a beautiful gift that h elp me to start a loosing weight. I felt in love and it was the motivation. I started to eat just salad and I lost 14 pounds and one month. I didn't feel so hungry anymore because that good feeling made me strong. My mind cha